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Calcium Depletion: My nails used to break easily

Ms. Kok Siat Yeow, Age 45
Director, Early Childhood
Drinks KYK Alkaline Water.

“In the past, my nails used to break easily. After drinking KYK Alkaline Water, I noticed I have much stronger nails & they don’t break easily. I believe the KYK alkaline water has helped to restore the calcium minerals in my body”

My constipation is over. I can go toilet everyday

Mr Peter Ong, Age 62
Drinks KYK Alkaline Water.

“KYK Alkaline Water is very good for my constipation. Before I started drinking Alkaline Water, I only go to the toilet one to two times a week. Sometimes, I can only pass motion once in 2 weeks – it was very difficult. The doctor gave me laxatives, but I don’t want to be addicted and want to find a natural way. After drinking Alkaline Water for one and a half month, now I can go to toilet everyday. Thank you Mr. Kenneth Wong for the KYK Alkaline Water”

Eczema : My skin problem solved

Yoon, Age 9 (Student)
Drink Alkaline Water, apply acidic water on skin.

I drink alkaline ionized water more than 2 L every day and eat food cooked with it. I used strong acid water on wash my skin daily. About 6 months the itch reduced, and it healed the wounds and removed red spots on my skin.

Diarrhea & Sensitive Stomach: My reactions to certain foods have been reduced

Timothy, Age 14 (Student)
Drinks KYK Alkaline Water.

“I used to react quite badly to certain foods like laksa or curry, and because of my sensitive stomach, I had to run to the toilet several times to clear my system. Now that my mom gives me alkaline water daily, I find that my reactions to these foods have been reduced tremendously and the purging is a lot less these days.”

My Gout is gone; no more limping around the house and office.

Mr. Tony Liow, 43
Manufacturing Division Manager
Drinks KYK Alkaline Water

I am a lover of all kinds of meat, tofu and alcohol, which eventually led me to be afflicted with Gout. I have suffered painful gout attacks every month for the past 10 years. After commencing consumption of alkaline ionized water for a month, I realized the gout attacks stopped!! No more limping around the house and in the office, and no more badly swollen fingers!!

Stomach Bloatedness and Gastric: It now gone, and I feel great!

Annie Yue, Age 36
Director, Advertising Industry & Mother of 2
Drink KYK Alkaline Water

I always missed my lunches and dinner. Because of that I develop a lot of discomfort in my abdomen area and sometimes I do have gastric attack as well. Before I wasn’t taking the KYK alkaline water I wasn’t able to take in rice at night because I had massive bloatedness problem. After I take the water it aids in digestion and I feel great every night.